Where does Word 2010 store files?

Finding important background documents in Word can be a challenge.  Here are a few of them.
File name
File Path in Windows 7
File save

§  Change default in File, Options, Save, Default file location.
§  Choose any location when saving file.
My templates

To change path, File, Options, Advanced, File Locations, User Templates
Normal and other Installed templates

User this location to display templates from File, New. Blank or File New, My Templates
Change default My templates location through File, Options, Advanced, File Locations, User templates, Modify Locations
Building Blocks Template
Building Blocks.dotx
C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Document Building Blocks\1033\Building Blocks.dotx
C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Document Building Blocks\1033\14\Building Blocks.dotx
Administrator only can change path.  Additional templates can be added to path and all become available for building blocks functions.
User Saved Themes Templates
C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Templates\Document Themes\[name].thmx
Administrator only can change path.  Additional templates can be added to path and all become available.
Dictionary files
To change path, and add create additional dictionaries File, Options, Proofing, Custom Dictionaries
Autosaved files
These are the files offered when word restarts and gives you the Document Recovery Pane.
You can also find them under File, Info, Versions.
To change path:
§  File, Options, Save.
§  File, Options, Advanced, File Locations, AutoRecover Files
Autosaved backup files
This is a backup of the ~Wra####.asd file. If all else fails you may be able to find this file in the .asd file location.
To list all the .bak files, type ~wra*.bak in the File Name box.
These are the files offered when you go to File, Recent, Recover Unsaved Documents
Path cannot be changed.
Backup of previous version when you save your document
Copy is saved to location of original file
Set this option in File, Options, Advanced, Save, Always create backup copy.
User Saved Ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar files
Choose any location when saving file.


  1. Is UnsavedFiles really not changeble?
    Even not for system admins?

  2. Anonymous28/5/11

    I lost an asd file when I tried saving the document. Here's the location:
    AutoRecovery save of BP final revision(c:\Users\Owner\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Word)

    Where did it go? Can I recover the document?
    Thanks Christine!

  3. I have just posted this. Follow the instructions and see if they help you.


    It is extracted from my book Microsoft Word 2010 upgrade from 2003: A New Way of Working


  4. Sorry but I don't seem to be able to make links show up as links in comments. You will find this information as Recovering lost documents above.

  5. Hi Christine
    On my site, the unsaved files is going to the C:\User\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Word, Excel or Powerpoint and is filling me my roaming profile. How would i get it to the local path, which would be right ?

  6. Louise11/9/13

    Very helpful site Christine. I knew a couple of the main locations Word stored files that I could change but the others I didn't until I found your site.

  7. This is very helpful and all about the file paths. But in case if we need to move or copy long path files. We can try Long Path Tool.
